Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pay your 2011 membership at the new Compost Iqaluit BMHS website

The BMHS is launching a website in addition to this blog at

Easy online payment of membership dues!

And BHMS form for download!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

BMHS in NFB of Canada's Never Lose Sight

Another great gift idea besides the $10 pack of bio bags is Never Lose Sight, a documentary by Sarah McNair-Landry from The National Film Board of Canada.

The BMHS is there - watch and be inspired to join in the cause.


As we Iqaluimmiut head towards Christmas, what better than the Gift of Membership in the Iqaluit Compost, Bill Mackenzie Humanitarian Society and a pack of bio-bags?

Contact us and we can email you the membership form. You can remit your $25 fee by cheque, cash, and maybe PayPal.

Thanks for supporting waste diversion and the compost greenhouse!

Btw, Don't forget to vote!